May 2020 – School Year 2019-2020 took an unexpected turn when COVID-19 proved to be a global threat to health and safety.  The local government of Batangas declared Enhanced Community Quarantine on March 13, 2020, when Stonyhurst Southville had barely finished the Second Term Exams, leaving the school no choice but to offer Online Education for the Third Term.

Despite the sudden change, SSISM was able to transition seamlessly to online instruction using its Learning Management System (LMS) and SGEN Academic Technology Strategies (SATS) Program, which has been in place for a few years now.  While it is our first time to hold pure online classes and do them in work-from-home mode, our use of digital learning platforms even before the pandemic have put us ahead of the game.

Learning was alive more than ever! Regular lessons continued with interaction through active discussions, recitation, reporting, debates from across levels.  Preschool classes conducted Story-Telling, singing of Nursery Rhymes and Reading Drills.  Science Investigatory Projects and thesis papers were defended in front of a panel.  Art Classes showed variety of output including drawing, digital poster, graphic organizers and collages.  Online Assessment pushed through following new set of guidelines; and Performance Tasks became richer and more creative.

All that, and it seemed it went by in a flash!  Now, after more than two months after school closure, we are heading towards the end of the academic year.  The journey has indeed been challenging but the discoveries, rewards and opportunities abound.

SSISM congratulates and thanks the students and parents who have truly partnered with us! You have inspired us with your grit, positivity and the ability to turn difficulty into opportunity! Quant je puis!

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