Stonyhurst Southville International School – Malarayat students are not only making waves in the field of Math but also in Science. These students made it to the list of awardees in the competition for young scientists of Hong Kong International Science Olympiad (HKISO) Heat Round held last November 17, 2019.

The Hong Kong International Science Olympiad (HKISO) is an International Science Competition held annually around the world. It consists of 4 main categories: Physics, Biology, Chemistry & Integrated Science. HKISO is for students from Grade 2 to Grade 10.  This opens more opportunities for students to collaborate with other learners as winners from HKISO Heat Round can have a chance to work with participants from different regions to try out some experiments altogether in Singapore or Hong Kong alternatively.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • SILVER AWARDEES – Keisha Sophia Mission (Grade 3), Alyanna Michaela Marquez (Grade 4), Michael Gerard Tongson (Grade 6), Owen David Miles Ward (Grade 6)
  • BRONZE AWARDEE – Jomer Wilson F. Lee (Grade 5)
  • MERIT AWARDEE – Jom Riley D.S. Kaw (Grade 6 )

You always make us proud, Kings! Always wear your invisible crown! Quant Je puis!

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