SSISM Basketball Team celebrating a BIG WIN against De La Salle Lipa

The Stonyhurst Southville International School – Malarayat / Lipa Campus High School Basketball Team is heading to the Provincial Meet this November after emerging as Champions in this year’s Division Athletic Meet, held last October 1-4, 2019 at De La Salle Lipa.

The North District (represented by SSISM with players from UB – Lipa Campus, AMA, St. Augustine, and Nazareth School), having the twice-to-beat advantage, defeated West District (represented by De La Salle Lipa) in an intense game during the last day of Division Meet, 89-80.

Meanwhile, the High School Football Team (Boys) were hailed as Bronze medalists in the Division Meet, representing the North District as well. Congratulations to the players and participants, parents, the passionate coaches – Coach Michael Sydiangco, and Coach Mickey Macasaet; and to the hardworking Sir John Balaoro and Ms. Leah Ilagan for the school’s successful Division Meet stint! Always wear your invisible crown! Quant je puis!

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