The school calendar of SSIS Malarayat has a variety of activities that contribute to the growth and learning of its students. Annual activities include School Spirit Day, Buwan ng Wika (Filipino Week), Math and Science Week, International (Global) Week, Intramurals, Field Trips and Cultural Shows, Book Month, Spelling Bee, Christmas Celebrations, Foundation Week, Graduation, Recognition and Closing Program.
Aside from these big events, SSIS Malarayat also conducts weekly and/or monthly activities that have been part of their tradition. Here are some of these activities:

USSR is a form of school-based recreational reading where students read silently in a designated time in school. Students are asked to bring a book of their choice and do USSR for 20 to 30 minutes. This program aims to develop a reading habit among students. During USSR, everyone in school, including teachers and staff take part in this activity.

Theathurs is similar to an “Open Mike” where students are encouraged to perform on stage any talent that they would like to showcase. Facilitated by an SSIS Faculty, Theathurs has discovered singers, dancers and hosts; and has become a ground for honing talents. Theathurs happens weekly every Thursday after the dismissal of the students where everyone (parents and guests included) are open to watch.

MonDelight is a program where SSIS invites artists and performers to showcase their talents in the Monday assembly for all students to witness. This program aims to expose children to arts and culture for their understanding and appreciation. In the long run, students learn to open their minds to possibilities and enhance their creativity.

The Kinesthetic Intelligence Program (KIP) is a program designed for preschool. It enables learning through different activities that involve movements. Conducted outside the classroom, KIP helps children develop mental, physical and social skills.

SPELLS, GIDES AND RICH stand for Strategic Program for Emergent Literacy through Learning Shops, Giftedness through Inter-Disciplinary Educational Strategies and Relevant Integrated Curriculum for High School respectively. These activities are authentic assessment of students’ learning wherein different activities are prepared to gauge the learning of concepts and skills learned. Conducted every term, SPELLS, GIDES and RICH integrate all lessons into one meaningful set of activities.

Face to Faith is a program in partnership with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Through Video Conferencing, our students get to interact with other school in the country and around the world. Face to Faith works across the world delivering a pioneering education programme to help prevent religious conflict and extremism. It helps students embrace an open-minded approach to others, to diversity and to difference that can lead to tolerant stable societies.

The Mufti Day is a day where students go to school in civilian instead of school uniform. In return, students are asked to make a small donation which goes to the fund of the Student Council. Mufti Days usually happen every first Wednesday of the Month. There is a theme for each Mufti Day to encourage students to think and be creative. This school year, these are the following themes:
- AUGUST – International Indigenous People’s Month
- SEPTEMBER – Martial Law
- OCTOBER – “Hats Off to you” Head Gear
- NOVEMBER – Trick or Treat
- DECEMBER – Rudolph the Red-Nosed
- JANUARY – Resumption of Classes
- FEBRUARY – Kabuki
- MARCH – Stripes
- APRIL– Polka Dots
- MAY– Floral