One Haunted Day in December (A Bohemian Rhapsody Cover of SSISM)

Stonyhurst Southville International School – Malarayat Campus presents to you this year’s Christmas Presentation of its Faculty and Staff – an interpretation of Queen’s popular hit song, Bohemian Rhapsody.
Its network schools, the Southville Global Education Network or SGEN, as part of its year-end celebration, annually conducts a Christmas presentation & competition across schools. The theme for this year is “BAND-its of Christmas,” which is a presentation using songs of bands through an MTV. The Faculty and Staff of SSISM looks forward to this event as this becomes of venue of creativity, collaboration, and team-building. This is also a way of demonstrating to students the culture of NO HESITATION in school. Congratulations to SSISM FS for bagging this year’s Silver Award! Always wear your invisible crown! Quant je puis!

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