MaKING it Happen!

Artificial Intelligence is now education’s required standard as it quickly paces in technology, impacting people’s everyday life. From your search results to shopping, to driving, financing, medical, and the like, AI plays a booming role. And this is really where the future heads on.

We are proud to say that just recently, three of our AI teachers have already been certified to CS with Vexcode VR Educator Certification. Congratulations Tch. Camille Catanyag, Tch. Alona Macahia and Tch. Roschelle Salinas! This only means that they can deliver the school’s AI and Robotics Curriculum online.

Students are eager to study and look forward to coding and programming because they see and appreciate how AI and Robotics make computer science come to life with real world applications; and Teachers Camille, Alona and Roschelle are MaKING it Happen for them.

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