📅 Exciting Week Ahead at SSISM (September 16-20, 2024) 📅
Get ready for a dynamic and spirited week at Stonyhurst Southville International School – Malarayat Campus! We’re starting strong with our beloved School Spirit Day, setting the tone for a week full of pride and passion for our school. 🎉👑
This week is packed with student-centered activities, including the Annual Physical Exam, the Oath-Taking of our Junior High School Officers, the World Peace One Celebration, and an exciting Outdoor Leadership Workshop designed to build skills and camaraderie. 🏅🌿
Parents, we haven’t forgotten about you! Later in the week, we’ll hold an informative International Baccalaureate Orientation and a Parent Learning Session on Scholastic, ensuring everyone is equipped to support their children’s learning journey. 📘💡
Join us as we celebrate being Kings with many more surprises and treats ahead! Carpe diem! Quant je puis!

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