Why study Preschool in Stonyhurst?
The Early Childhood Education Department (ECED) of SSIS Malarayat is comprised of eager learners from Nursery (2 years old), Pre-Kinder (3 years old), Junior Kinder (4 years old), Senior Kinder (5 years old), Grade 1 (6 years old) and Grade 2 (7 years old).
ECED is a creative ground where pupils discover, play and learn fundamental academic skills, balanced with values development. SSISM believes that character, discipline and social-emotional aspects are important areas to focus on at an early age; therefore, activities are specially designed for children to understand their feelings and interact with their peers.
The curriculum of ECED is focused on the fundamental academic skills in Reading, Math, Science and Social Students. The teacher to student ratio is manageable so that each kid gets proper attention; and at the same time, have the opportunity to mingle with others.
Early Childhood Education Department’s curriculum is patterned after Pennsylvania Standards. Below are the academic programs for the Early Childhood Education Department:
Thematic Studies is a combination of Science and Social Living and Global Education (SLGE). At an early age, the pupils are introduced to the basic concepts of Botany, Zoology and Geography. The program includes purposeful exploration of nature, study of plant and animal life and the relationship of man to his environment.
Introduction to numbers, understanding quantity and symbols, introduction to tens, decimal system and the basic mathematical operations. Through repeated work with various didactic materials, the child is enabled to learn the concrete concepts before grasping the abstract conceptions.
Language is an integral part of the programme through encouragement of self-expression. Programme includes pre-reading exercises such as enhancing attention to and use of words in everyday speaking, to vocabulary building, writing and reading.
Music. Mostly music/rhythm and movement that a typical NKP child enjoys. They are exposed to different sounds (man-made &musical develop their aesthetic sense and have a better appreciation of their culture and of the world’s.
Aims to surface the artistic skills of each child. Children are exposed to art mediums, and are encouraged to develop their own forms of expression. This is also directed to the development of the fine motor skills and coordination.
Physical Education
Aims to enhance gross motor skills and coordination through structured and unstructured activities. Activities also enhance the values of “team playing” and “group effort”.