18-Year Journey of Stonyhurst Southville

Stonyhurst Southville International School – Malarayat Campus celebrates our 18th year this Academic Year 2024-2025. From a small school of 23 students, we have now grown into a thriving community of 730 learners. How did we get here? What made this happen? The answer is—everything! Everything has shaped us into the institution we are today. It is not just about the milestones or achievements but the journey that defined us. Every challenge we have overcome, every setback we have turned into a lesson, and every moment of perseverance has strengthened our community. Our growth is found not only in victories but also in the struggles that paved the way. Together, we have built a legacy defined by excellence, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to learning—one that continues to inspire and evolve with each passing year. Join us in looking back at this incredible journey and celebrating the passionate community we have built! 🎥✨

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